Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Gospel Ship

In the midst of the tempest, tossed and torn, 
an ancient ship heaved on high on the roaring waves
One single solitary mast supported sails unfurled
embracing the wind, it rode the crest full speed
with vision set Nor'east
and none could alter it's course - 
Now the sails are the members which make up His church 
the mast, Christ crucified
From the vessel's midst, stirred the sleeping Christ
in response to the cries of the crew
(for no other captain is true)
The wind which billowed the full white sails
was the wake, where the Spirit came to speed 
us all toward a filling of light   
The Word of God was clear and sure,
"Don't ask Me to calm the storm  
for you've far to go and time is short.
Don't ask Me 
              to calm 
                               the storm."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pure Potential- In His image

Pure potential, the children of nature come forth. Their earthly emergence inherits the choices of their fathers. Unique Children, honour your mother and father for their giftings and for the opportunities to reverse a curse.

"You sure put your foot in your mouth that time" I mumbled to myself, remembering something I'd said the day before. "Now who's talking to who," I responded to myself. My Conscience? No. Conscious awareness of the natural child part of me. In need of discipline, feeding, clothing, loving and learning.

We'd recently moved to Redding. My four little ones were down for their nap and I ran next door to visit with my neighbor. I slipped, went flying and heard my head "clang" on the concrete step. For a fraction of a second I looked down upon my body, then was bungeed back into it, as if connected to it with a very flexible umbilical cord. Grabbing my left temple, I left a bloody trail back home, which my husband followed before finding me stitched up.

About ten years after this experience of knocking myself out of my body, I had a life threatening bout with cancer. A specialist in L.A. had recently put me in a big tube and gave me a double cobalt treatment, scheduling me for a radium implant in the hospital. I was teaching three classes a day in our Terryberry Gallery in Tustin. Going home to rest before the evening class, I asked my daughter Dorene to wake me up in time. When I heard her call me, I raised my arm to see what time it was. But I was so weak that it was my spiritual arm, not my physical arm I raised to check the time on my mother's Bulova watch on my wrist. I was surprised to find the night sky in its face. Upon recognition, I was sucked into it and floating in outer space. "Which way is home? Which is our sun? What if God loses me?" This fear immediately "bungeed" me back into my body.

Sons of God. Born again of our heavenly Father... I Am that I AM... ONE
The ancients wrote of three ways of experiencing God... He, You, and I
No longer I live, but Christ lives in me... from glory to glory...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


What am I, if not a speck of dust among the rest -
A fleeting, fleeing, flurry stirred within a blast of exhalation of our unseen Source Divine -
Each particle of animated matter does thus proceed but from the primal dust -
Caretaker i, of this speck, alloted plot - a field to yield-
or not -

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bride 2

He was here, where did He go?
Beloved, "Follow the tents of the shepherds."