Friday, May 28, 2010

Bride 2

He was here, where did He go?
Beloved, "Follow the tents of the shepherds."

Bride 1

He knew His bride before she knew herself. Oh Israel, Israel, how often I would have gathered you under my wings as a mother hen gathers her chicks.

Harmony of the Spheres

Synchronization from the heavens to the grain of dust. From the stars of the sky to the sands of the seas. "There is a time for every season, a time for every purpose under heaven. " (Ecclesiastes 3:1) A time for everything, a time to be born, a time to die, time to rejoice and a time to cry - oh, the worship was sweet that day!

King of Kings

King of kings, Lord of lords, Living Word. And when all has been completed, the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Igniting Liberty

Light held high in a darkened world.
We are not the light, but light holders.
Oh, Lord, You lit the fire, that burns our dross. And nothing can put that light out. We find peace and freedom from fear in the eye of the storm -

All hell can be breaking out all around us, but God is in control.
In scripture, Paul said, "I have learned to be content in all circumstances". The word content was from two Greek roots meaning "to create a baffling wind" that "wards off all opposition".
Jesus said to go into our secret place and pray.
Contentment, peace and freedom is found within.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Inner Journey

Mem, called chaos-
Potential yet unformed-
Trembled ‘neath the Aleph,
Abba’s breath divine-
Then uttered blazing living sheen-
Giving birth to earth and
Breath to death-
The great eternal ONE of love
Sends forth His sacrificial Son-
Then drawing in again,
Hides us safe within–

Great white steed of His return-Universe in the womb of time rolls up-Embryonic fullness of man’s new creation.

“Inner Journey” or more accurately, “The Way” originated at the request of Pastor Roger Friend as the “Power and Presence.” The enormity of the subject embarrassed the artist, preventing her from painting it for many months, with trepidation, Dorene began with a large soft sensitive brush in her left hand, and a firm bristle in the right, for rearranging the left’s spontaneity, the emerging image continually taking form quite differently than anticipated. Instead of liquid, laughing, light pulsating outward, a liquid tunnel of love was drawing inward, forming a great white stead rearing up with the embryo of a man. This celestial water, fire and atmosphere floats above the universe.

“Inner Journey” alias "The Way" or “Power and Presence” entered in to two major art shows. In both of them it received the peoples choice award by overwhelming majority vote.