Friday, April 30, 2010

The Surge

Tossed to and fro upon the deep
Should I, shan't I, can't I
Is He, does He, will He, won't He...
To and fro upon the deep -
The rising, stretching, reaching forth
Then bowing, breaking, will forsaking
To yearn, return to homeland wholeness
In peace becoming all and none -

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Deep Calls to Deep

The Spirit of God moved over the face of the deep. This was not deep water, but deep potential emanation. The breath of God moving over the face of this potential was given direction from the Word, the Light, our Lord. Each one of us has potential and God's breath, may we be called and chosen. Though we all be called, "Oh Lord, choose me, choose me!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Floating Word

The image of floating paper appeared in my mind one Sunday morning at my breakfast table. When I split the waters, while painting during praise and worship, I felt compelled to turn around, looking directly at the tears in the eyes of our Pastor's wife. Floating words are a part of my life, not connected to any chain of thoughts, and quite often I have to look them up or phone a friend to find who or what to pray or watch for. For instance, when I began explaining this, the word "extemporaneous" floated in my mind. So I just looked it up in my huge Webster Dictionary. "Extemporaneously": "composed, performed, or uttered off-hand, without previous study or preparation; unpremeditated." This "floating word" describes the difference between these inspired works of art and my carefully thought through earlier ones. By "inspired", I mean that I am willing to be made a fool of, trusting that God is doing the leading instead of me. This isn't always polished looking, as I am interdependent with those around me to be "one", as we worship in union, realized in theme, music, timing, message, etc. My "premeditated" period of painting gave me the initial steps of familiarization with the physical materials I use.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lily Pond

To praise and worship, I covered the enormous canvas with the vertical shapes of a landscape.
Moving with the Spirit, I spun the canvas upside down and swept the image horizontally, creating surface of the water over which the lilies and ripples floated.

The Potter's Hands

Earthen vessels walk the vale, chambers of living light, filled to the brim with precious tears, reflecting clear on the surface mirror unveiled in a distant sky, the gleaming glimpses of why - The wiles of the world would embrace them, turn the tears to a trembling tide, 'til the image fair to our great despair, does flutter and fade away. But it washes smooth a few rough spots as it spills o'er the sides of clay - Shadow, echo, dim reflection glimpsed, dear coolness sweet against my cheek, Oh, Spirit, light the way within, 'til there's no room for sin. 'Tho trials bring pain and tears like rain, I yield to the Master's mold, as He transforms this dust into gold.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

God Bless America

The 9-11 Twin Tower Disaster occurred exactly one year to the week after God began this image in me. While visiting a Messianic congregation, and enjoying the worship in Hebrew with open hands resting in my lap, it seemed as if I were holding a mound of mannah. In my mind, I saw our flag waving with the fifty stars back in a circle. The vision paused, as the circle overlapping at the bottom, took the shape of a heart, which seemed to say God loves America. For a year I prepared to paint that image. On Thursday, one year later, terrorists took down our trade center, and people began phoning me to pray. I remembered the poem I'd just written, "Oh, to be a Joseph, with fruitful bough hanging heavy beyond the wall, with fruit enough to share with all who pass this way. But unlike a Joseph, I'm rather like a Jonah, who runs the other way, not caring for the the lost and dying who lie along the way. Oh, Lord, swallow me up, and cast me upon the shores of Ninevah. That Sunday, God's Spirit came on me so strong that 20 minutes before leaving for Vista Christian Fellowship, I quit fighting God, willing to be made a fool of, and painted this up front while everyone was worshiping and singing "God Bless America". This was the first of many prophetic images painted to live worship music. When I painted this one to music the following Sunday of 9-11, I was surprised, to see the eagle's eye, the Lord's stripes mingled with the fruited plain, fields of grain and purple mountain's majesty with the eagle flying above the storm. The shine of God's compassion on the crowned eye then had a tear which flowed from sea to shining sea.

But listen to this, my art students and I had planned a two-week painting seminar in Italy, where one of the students owned a villa called pietra mi lara (Honey flows from the rock). All plans were finalized. One student said she could only go for one week. Her friend said, "then I only want to go one week too!" This change unraveled the entire retreat. We would have been in an airplane flying over New York city on the morning of 9-11. Wow.

Never Ending Sending

I began painting what I thought would be "Surrender." Forming the dove like shape, I stepped back and realized it must be flying downward. It easily embraced the world. The continents forming under my brush resembled a couple. I firmed them up, forming the Lord over the Spirit. I assumed He was embracing the world as was the dove and I was having great difficulty making His hands go downward. I stepped back again and rejoiced, knowing He was facing upward in an attitude of surrender.

The Father sends the Son, the Son sends the Spirit and the Spirit sends us out into the world.

This was painted to live praise and worship music at Vista Christian Fellowship. The outcome was a surprise to us all.

VCF is....

Winged Word

Coming, going, living, breathing, Spirit moving, human being ~

Written, writing, always whole ~ The Living Word, the holy Scroll

Uni-verse , re-rolling man ~ Not was, nor will be, but "I Am"

We are all a precious part of God's Celestial Symphony. When we are one, His new song will be complete, and Father will roll up the scroll.