Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Floating Word

The image of floating paper appeared in my mind one Sunday morning at my breakfast table. When I split the waters, while painting during praise and worship, I felt compelled to turn around, looking directly at the tears in the eyes of our Pastor's wife. Floating words are a part of my life, not connected to any chain of thoughts, and quite often I have to look them up or phone a friend to find who or what to pray or watch for. For instance, when I began explaining this, the word "extemporaneous" floated in my mind. So I just looked it up in my huge Webster Dictionary. "Extemporaneously": "composed, performed, or uttered off-hand, without previous study or preparation; unpremeditated." This "floating word" describes the difference between these inspired works of art and my carefully thought through earlier ones. By "inspired", I mean that I am willing to be made a fool of, trusting that God is doing the leading instead of me. This isn't always polished looking, as I am interdependent with those around me to be "one", as we worship in union, realized in theme, music, timing, message, etc. My "premeditated" period of painting gave me the initial steps of familiarization with the physical materials I use.

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